
Podio: how to organize your workspaces

How to get the most from Podio
Hi Logo Shirts,

We haven't seen you for a while on Podio and we would love to know if we can help you get started.

Podio's all about helping you organize your work, so collaborating in teams is easier. We've created a two minute video to show how it all works. 

In our Help Centre you can ask us any questions you have. Even if you simply want to know what you can use Podio for, we'll be more than happy to help.

You can also write to us at any time via support@podio.com.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Best regards,

Team Podio

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Podio: how to organize your workspaces Podio: how to organize your workspaces Reviewed by Anonymous on May 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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